Your twenties are the best time for your skin. You’ve left the acne of adolescence, but your skin still has a youthful glow and is plump and dewy. But skin cell renewal falls by up to 28%. Dead skin cells fall off, which leads to duller-looking skin.
In your thirties
Skin cell renewal slows more, while damage from the environment starts to take its toll on the dermis. This means collagen fibres slacken so the skin starts to sag.
If you smile, subcutaneous fat forms lines that won’t bounce back as readily as they used to. Your first wrinkles begin to show.
Action plan
Red spider veins are also a normal age-related problem, brought about by weakened collagen holding capillary walls less efficiently.
By this age you should have begun a daily skincare programme that integrates cleansing, moisturising and looking after your skin and keeping it shielded from the sun.
Eat a balanced diet full of antioxidants such as vitamins A, B, C and E that combat radicals in the environment (molecules that harm cells in our bodies and make ageing faster).